Membership/Membership FAQs
How Do I Apply?
Preparing Your Membership Application?
How do I begin to prepare and apply for membership?
The College has prepared some guidelines for preparing to apply for membership. Please view the document titled “Guidelines for Improving your ACNP Membership Application.“
- Which ACNP members are eligible to nominate?
How do I know a member's status?
Each member’s status is available on the current membership list posted under the Membership tab.
I applied for membership and was not accepted. How can I get feedback about my application before applying again?
While the College does not provide specific feedback on why applicants were not selected to membership, the College does provide “Membership Mentors”, who are recently retired members of the Membership Committee. Membership Mentors have agreed to give feedback to prospective applicants. This feedback is informal and does not necessarily reflect the outcomes determined by the Membership Committee, as the applicant pool and available slots vary from year to year. Please view information on Membership Mentors. It can also be valuable to seek out a senior colleague who is an ACNP member in your department and ask him/her to review your application and suggest areas for improvement.
Applications & Nominations
How do I submit a nomination for membership?
Submissions open each year in late July. Go to to access procedures for submitting your nomination on-line. The deadline is in early-September each year.
Instructions on accessing a requested nomination in the system can be found here: 2024 ACNP Membership Nomination Instructions
I am applying for a promotion; how do I get my ACNP activities information?
Please visit the ACNP Conference website, and log-in with your username and password. You will then select the “My Activities” tab, and export this information to a word document. Please confirm all information is correct, and then save as a PDF to upload in your application.
- Are there different considerations given to the qualifications of PhDs and MDs in evaluating an application for ACNP membership?
Do I have to have attended and presented at a previous ACNP meeting?
Starting in 2019, all new Associate Member and Member nominees must have attended a minimum of one ACNP Annual Meeting prior to applying for membership. While the level and quality of previous involvement with the ACNP is regarded as the best indicator of future commitment to our organization, this consideration is balanced with other considerations such as being superb in national and international contributions to the emergence of new and important knowledge in neuropsychopharmacology.
Do I have to have my own funded R01 grant to be eligible for ACNP membership?
Being PI of an NIH R01 is not a requirement for membership, but independent peer-reviewed federal funding is generally considered necessary to be in the top candidate pool. Thus, high quality applications without an active RO1 or similar grant can be acceptable. This is usually from individuals with one or more of the following characteristics: significant high impact publications, significant past NIH funding, or significant funding from other sources, including NSF, VA, DoD or major foundations. Also, expectations of NIH funding does not apply to individuals working in government or in pharmaceutical research and development, for whom active NIH funding might not be feasible or appropriate.
Does a serial (yearly) application strategy enhance one's chances of being granted associate membership?
No. Serial application is not a consideration and does not influence the committee decision for membership. See Synopsis of Membership Considerations.
How should one select the best ACNP members to endorse an application?
Two strong nominations from leaders in the field who can speak knowledgeably about the candidate should be sought. If there are perceived weaknesses in the candidate’s dossier, it is good for the nomination form to address those by way of positive explanation. Importantly, the nominations should be written independently rather than through endorsement of templates provided by the candidates.
Can an eligible ACNP member nominate more than one person for membership?
Yes. A member can nominate one person per category of membership (Associate or Full Member) per calendar year. Additionally, members nominating a woman or an individual from a historically excluded group are permitted one additional nomination for that category.
ACNP defines historically excluded groups as Blacks or African Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, American Indians or Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders, individuals who identify as LGBTQIA2S+, individuals with a disability, and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds as defined by the NIH.
ACNP will make every effort to keep this information private; however, cannot guarantee this information would not be unintentionally released within the College through the course of inclusion efforts.
How are nomination submitted by the nominator?
Nominations must be submitted online with the nomination package. Only the nominator can submit this information to the system. Nominees will select their nominator as a step during the submission process. The nominator will receive an email requesting they log-in to the submission site, and complete specific sections to give a clear indication of how this nominee, if granted membership, would contribute to and promote the mission of the ACNP. The nominee will not be able to see the information submitted.
- Can I save my nomination submission and access it later?
- When is the submission deadline?
Does the quality of the Associate Member and Member applications in the pool submitted each year impact the criteria used for granting membership?
Yes, the committee tends to accept at or near the quota every year. Thus, a higher quality pool can result in a difference in entry for the lesser qualified applicants. See Synopsis of Membership Consideration
I don't remember what meetings I attended and what I presented. Where can I get this information?
Please visit the ACNP Conference website, and log-in with your username and password. You will then select the “My Activities” tab, and export this information to a word document. Please confirm all information is correct, and then save as PDF to upload in your application.
Should travel awardees apply for membership during the years when they will be extended an invitation to the meeting on the basis of a recent/past travel award?
The number of years in travel awardee status is not a consideration in achieving membership. See Synopsis of Membership Considerations.
- Can an individual re-apply for membership?
What is the role of ACNP Council in approving the recommendations for membership made by the Membership Committee?
The ACNP Council retains decision-making authority, and the Membership Committee ranking of applicants is advisory. However, Council rarely alters the recommendations of the Membership Committee. The role of Council is not to try to redo the work of the Membership Committee, but rather to consider the recommendations in light of the broader goals and priorities of the College.
- What are my chances of getting accepted for membership?
Is the number of new Associate Members fixed each year?
The total number of Fellows, Members, and Associate Members of the College shall not be increased in any calendar year after 2012 by the addition of more than forty-five individuals, plus (from the previous calendar year): (1) the number elected to Emeritus status, (2) the number of Fellows and Members who have died, and (3) the number of Fellows and Members who have resigned or been expelled.
Is there statistical information available regarding new members such as nominations received and accepted, demographics, and citation/productivity indices?
Yes. The Membership Commitee poster presented at the 2024 Annual Meeting details the new member application statistics. Click here to view poster.