2024 ACNP Global Scholarship Program

Opened: June 17, 2024
Deadline: July 5, 2024

Award recipients will be notified by email in early August, prior to the poster submission deadline of August 8th.

2024 Global Scholarship Program Flyer

The American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP) Global Scholarship Program is an initiative to introduce early career scientists around the globe to the ACNP Annual Meeting.

Apply Now



  • Waived virtual annual meeting registration for awardee
  • The opportunity to submit a poster for the Program Committee’s consideration
The top three applicants will receive…
  • Waived in-person annual meeting registration for awardee
  • The opportunity to submit a poster for the Program Committee’s consideration
  • Up to five nights lodging at the designated ACNP hotel in Phoenix, Arizona
  • Round trip coach airfare to the annual meeting for awardee
  • Up to $100 ground transportation
  • Up to $50/day for meals for up to six days



The College is currently accepting applications for the Global Scholarship Program. The deadline for application submission is July 5, 2024 by 5:00pm Central Time.


This opportunity is available to early career scientists whose country of origin is outside of the United States. An early career scientist is defined as an individual who is at or below Assistant Professor (or equivalent level if in a non-academic institution) AND in a research-intensive training position, i.e.: non-clinician Ph.D. students, medical residents or fellows, Pharm.D. residents, interns, and post-doctoral fellows.


Eligible applicants must complete a common online application and submit the following:

  • Curriculum vitae (all applicants) – CV must include your publication record, a listing of your research funding, and teaching experience, if applicable. Include one line about your role in each peer-reviewed original data paper listed and how you contributed to data collection and analysis. CV must be in pdf format for upload.
  • A one-page focused career statement (all applicants) – Your career statement needs to describe your interest in the ACNP Global Scholarship Program, including your career goals and ambitions. Place an emphasis on your research goals, your most significant research accomplishments, and why you think this award would benefit you at this time in your career. Convey in a concise statement what you are working on and describe your own work in contrast to that of your mentor(s). Please address how your focus is relevant to the mission of the College. The applicants must enter the career statement into an entry field in the application, with a limit of 3,700 characters, which includes spaces. The system will not allow you to exceed this limit. If you utilize copy/paste, please double check that your full statement falls within the limit, as edits after the deadline will not be permitted.


The deadline for submission is July 5, 2024 by 5:00pm Central Time.


Award recipients will be notified by email in early August, prior to the poster deadline of August 8th.


For questions regarding the Global Scholarship Program, contact ACNP at acnp@acnp.org in the Executive Office.