Figure 7. |
This photomontage illustrates the position of developing catecholamine systems in the brainstem, the ascending axons caudal to the putamen, and the dense patch-matrix appearance of the developing striatum. Three large clusters of perikarya are identified ventrally in the brainstem (right); these correspond to the ventral noradrenergic neuronal groups (A1, A2, A5, A7) that give rise to the ventral noradrenergic pathway, seen here immediately caudal to the second group, the locus coeruleus (A6). The third, and most prominent, cluster represents the DA neurons of the ventral mesencephalon which form an exceptionally dense cluster of intensely stained neurons (A8, A9). Ascending nigrostriatal axons (arrows) and the dense patch-matrix appearance of the caudate (CD) and putamen (PT) are prominent features. AC, anterior commissure; IC, internal capsule; IOC, inferior olivary complex; SC, superior colliculus. |
published 2000